Thursday, February 25, 2010

Three weeks in...

Hi, welcome to my quest for health.. aided by the love and support of friends, a wonderful husband, my church family, and my beloved Body Bugg. I am a stay at home mom with three kids five and under. I've had seven pregnancies in the last 6 years, and a car accident in 92 that really messed with my back. When I initially started losing weight I was at 328 .. when I started my journey with the help of my Bugg I was down to 258. I've been using it for three weeks now and as of this morning I am at 246.5.

My husband takes our one and only car to get to work.. so I am at home with the kids all day. Most of my work outs are either on our Wii or dancing around the living room with my ipod on lol.. we did get a gym membership with our tax return and are on our third week of going as often as we can. I am LOVING Zumba classes and look forward to them very much. I'm sure you will hear alot about them lol..

Today I had a massive blow ... my husband woke me from a dead sleep saying something was wrong with our wii fit software.. I'm thinking WHAT?! I got up and ran to the living room with him.. it said he had lost 15lbs this week.. which seemed total crazy (possible.. but crazy).. it was then that I noticed that the rechargable battery cable was caught under one side of the board.. I fixed it, and it adjusted his loss to 5.7lbs an AMAZING loss for 6 days and right on track with what was projected with his body bugg.... and I'm so proud of him.. but then it hit me.. my jump down of 8lbs this week might not have been accurate.. :S.. so I got back on the scale.. and it was off.. I'm still down from where I was last friday (and my loss is right in line with the numbers from the bug I had to add them up as it wont allow a weigh in till tomorrow.. I just weigh in every day on my wii to see my progress).. anywho.. I'm disspointed.. the number I saw yesterday was SO awesome.. and this one is a bit higher :( .. I'm having to remind myself that I've STILL lost weight this week.. and my weigh in day is tomorrow .. and I AM on track.. but oh how wonderful those lower numbers looked. I will hold onto that feeling as motivation.. because in a week or two they really WILL be my numbers!

Anywho.. I figured keeping a blog might help keep me on track.. sooooooo here goes nothing..fasten your seat belts, and get ready for a wild ride!

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