Friday, March 5, 2010

never would have thought this was even in the realm of possibility...

yet this morning I signed up to do the March of dimes walk this year. My husband and I have lost 9 lil' ones in the course of our marriage.. and I've always *wanted* to do the 6.2 mile walk.. but knew I would not be able to do it. It will still be pushing it to do it this year.. yet I just registered.
My nephew passed away this morning in the wee hours at just 6.5 months old.. his life was spent between the NICU and Home.. and life flights to the NICU in cooks.. my heart is just aching for the entire family and for everyones life who was touched by lil' Casens.
When I heard the news I went right to the march of dimes website and signed up for the walk.. 6.2 miles in just 50 days from today. It will be pushing my body further then I have ever pushed it.. and not much time to train.. but I KNOW i can do this.. for the babies I've lost.. for Casen.. and for every other family who has been touched with either infant loss, or a premature baby. (My daugther was 9 weeks early.. we lost her twin sister, but she made it by the grace of God and an excellent NICU staff)..
anywho.. if your one who prays.. please pray I can make it the entire 6.2 miles without just totally passing out and laying on the side of the road! If not for my BUGG I dont think I would have even considered doing this.. but I've gotten SO much healthier since getting it, I really think I can do this... no, I know I can.. let the training begin!!!

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